
Thin films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy (PMA) have been widely studied for perpendicular recording media since the middle of the 1970s when Prof. Iwasaki suggested this approach [1]. Since them, a great effort has been done by the research community for the use of this kind of nanostructures with PMA in other technological applications such as in high-density spin-transfer torque magnetic random access memories (STT-MRAM) [2], skyrmion-based devices [3] or even in synthetic antiferromagnets for biomedical applications [4].PMA in thin films can be usually achieved through different strategies such as by using materials with large magnetocrystalline anisotropy energy [5] as well as multilayer thin films with high surface anisotropy energy contributions [6]. Regarding the last alternative, Ikeda et al. [2] demonstrated in 2010 that amorphous CoFeB ultrathin films can show PMA and it is supported by the CoFeB/MgO interfacial anisotropy contribution. Since then, the development of non-magnetic/ferromagnetic superlattices with PMA, using CoFeB alloys as the ferromagnetic element, has received great attention. In particular, PMA in CoFeB/Pd was first demonstrated in bilayers by Fowley et al. [7] as well as in multilayers by Jung et al. [8]. Literature has reported that the effective anisotropy energy depends on the thickness of magnetic (tCoFeB) and non-magnetic (tPd) layers as well as on the number of bilayers (N).In this work, the dynamical response of [CoFeB (tCoFeB) / Pd (10 Å)]5 multilayered ultrathin films (1 Å ≤ tCoFeB ≤ 5 Å) were studied by using two complementary methods: broadband ferromagnetic resonance (Figure 1 a) and time-resolved magneto-optical Kerr effect (Figure 1 b). The perpendicular magnetization was confirmed for multilayers with tCoFeB ≤ 4 Å, while magnetization became in-plane oriented for tCoFeB ≥ 5 Å. This behaviour was explained by considering competing contributions from surface and magnetoelastic anisotropies. In addition, we have observed that the effective damping parameter is reduced with increasing tCoFeB (Figure 1 c), and the lower parameter, αeff ≈ (0.019 ± 0.001), was determined for the multilayer with 4 Å CoFeB thickness. We have suggested that for tCoFeB ≥ 4 Å the layer is continuous and the main contribution to effective damping is coming from spin-pumping when for lower thicknesses αeff is dominated by two-magnon scattering.Afterwards, we have studied the magnetic behaviour of ultrathin [CoFeB(tCoFeB)/Pd(10 Å)]N films. Intending to ensure that the system shows PMA, tCoFeB (3 or 4 Å) was fixed, while the number of bilayers (N) was ranged from 3 to 15. We observed that our samples show PMA and it is generally improved with N. In addition, we studied the dependence of αeff with the number of CoFeB/Pd repeats (N). Up today, literature in superlattices with PMA reported that αeff is proportional, inversely proportional or even, independent of N [9]. Therefore, the reported relationship between the damping parameter and N in superlattices with PMA is still unclear. We show that the evolution of αeff with N shows a complex behaviour that we have correlated with the magnetization process: larger αeff for samples with square hysteresis loops while αeff is independent of N for samples with bow-tie-shaped hysteresis loops. **

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