
Magnetic vortex cores are interacting with and can even be annihilated by artificial defects,such as holes. These defects have been fabricated by focused ion beam milling (FIB) intothe magnetic domains, domain walls and the center of square-shaped vortices, known asLandau structures. We report the imaging of the magnetization dynamics of Landaustructures containing holes by means of x-ray magnetic circular dichroism photo-emissionelectron microscopy (XMCD-PEEM). Due to the high lateral and temporal resolution ofthis method, the magnetic excitation spectrum, which is characteristic for the vortex–holeinteraction, is investigated in detail. We find that the vortex core as well as domainwalls can be trapped by small holes. With the help of micromagnetic simulationswe show that the vortex gyrotropic motion frequency is enhanced, whereas theamplitude is significantly reduced in the case of non-centric holes in domain walls.

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