
The crystal structure and magnetic properties of Cu0.6Mn2.4Ge2 have been re-investigated by a combination of extensive magnetic measurements and neutron scattering experiments, aided by electronic structure calculations. The material is found to be a soft ferromagnet with the ordering temperature TC = 316 K. The magnetocaloric effect evaluated from field-dependent magnetization isotherms is equal to 1.2 J/(kg·K) and 2.5 J/(kg·K) under the maximum applied magnetic field of 2 T and 5 T, respectively. The compound crystallizes in the hexagonal space group P63/mmc. A complex structural disorder necessitated testing of several disorder models against the results of non-polarized and polarized neutron scattering experiments and magnetization measurements. Simulations at the density-functional theory level were also performed to identify the most robust solution that properly described the data observed. The final magnetic structure model reveals non-equal magnetic moments on the Mn1 and Mn2 atoms (2.29(9) µB and 2.7(1) µB, respectively) and the presence of vacancies and minor Cu substitution defects in both Mn sites. The work demonstrates how the non-polarized and polarized neutron scattering methods can be combined with electronic structure calculations to establish the microscopic structure of magnetic materials with complex crystallographic disorder.

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