
The first investigation of magnetism in one-dimensional (1D) monatomicchains of metal atoms is reported. High-density arrays (5 × 106 cm−1)of parallel Co atomic wires have been grown using the vicinal Pt(997) surface as atemplate. Angle-resolved photoemission experiments evidence the presence of a 3dexchange-split band for the Co wires giving rise to enhanced localizedspin magnetic moments. X-ray magnetic circular dichroism shows furtherthat the orbital magnetic moment is about five times larger compared tothat of bulk hcp Co as a result of the reduced atomic coordination of the1D wires. Whereas statistical models forbid long-range ferromagneticorder in infinite 1D spin chains at any temperature greater than zero, weshow that finite monatomic Co chains display both short- and long-rangeferromagnetic order. The chains consist of thermally fluctuating segments offerromagnetically coupled atoms which evolve into a ferromagnetic metastablelong-range-ordered state below 15 K. Ferromagnetism in 1D is stabilizedby unusually large magnetic anisotropy energy barriers (2 meV/atom)which arise from the reduced dimensionality of the wires and related large orbitalmagnetization.

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