
Highly ordered iron arrays of nanowires with different diameters have been prepared by theelectrochemical deposition method, with the intention of studying magnetic texture in thissystem. Crystal texture with the [110] direction along the axis of the nanowires isdemonstrated by x-ray diffraction measurements. The orientation of the magnetic momentsis along the long axis of the nanowire, a result deduced from the transmission Mössbauerspectra of the as-prepared sample and the remanent states. However, as the intensity of thesecond and fifth lines is larger in conversion electron Mössbauer spectra than that intransmission Mössbauer spectra for the same diameter samples, the orientation of themagnetic moments appears to deviate from the axis more at the ends than that in themiddle of the nanowires. On increasing the nanowire diameter, the magnetic texturebecomes weaker. Large coercive force can be found for the small diameter sampleswhen the external magnetic field is applied along the long axis of the nanowires.

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