
ABSTRACT The impact of the magnetic field on post-bounce supernova dynamics of non-rotating stellar cores is studied by performing 3D magnetohydrodynamics simulations with spectral neutrino transport. The explodability of strongly and weakly magnetized models of 20 and 27 M⊙ pre-supernova progenitors are compared. We find that although the efficiency for the conversion of the neutrino heating into turbulent energy including magnetic fields in the gain region is not significantly different between the strong and weak field models, the amplified magnetic field due to the neutrino-driven convection on large hot bubbles just behind stalled shock results in a faster and more energetic explosion in the strongly magnetized models. In addition, by comparing the difference between the 2nd- and 5th-order spatial accuracy of the simulation in the strong field model for 27 M⊙ progenitor, we also find that the higher order accuracy in space is beneficial to the explosion because it enhances the growth of neutrino-driven convection in the gain region. Based on our results of core-collapse supernova simulations for the non-rotating model, a new possibility for the origin of the magnetic field of the protoneutron star (PNS) is proposed. The magnetic field is accumulated and amplified to magnetar level, that is, $\mathcal {O}(10^{14})$ G, in the convectively stable shell near the PNS surface.

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