
The magnetic susceptibility of Al3R and Al11R3 (R=Ce, Pr, Sm, Gd, Dy, Ho, Yb) compounds is investigated over wide temperature (300–1900K) and field (0.2–1.2T) ranges. It is found that microinclusions of Al2R can exist in the samples. They are not detectable in ordinary X-ray diffraction but give a significant contribution to the magnetic properties. The average effective magnetic moment per rare-earth atom changes through the rare-earth metals line reaching its maximum for holmium but rather lower than for the pure rare-earth metals. It means that rare-earth elements form covalent bonds with aluminum. These bonds remain in the liquid phase and begin to break down after melting point of Al2R only. The transition into a true solution state of the melt is somewhere above 1900K.

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