
Magnetic resonance (MR)-guided spine injections describe techniques for selective spine injection procedures, in which MR imaging is used to visualize spinal targets and needle placement, monitor the injected drugs, and detect spread to potentially confounding nearby structures. The introduction of clinical high-field wide-bore MR imaging systems has increased the practicability and availability of MR-guided spine injections. The use of 1.5-T field strength, modern coils, and parallel imaging technology increases the MR signal, which can be utilized for faster temporal image acquisition, higher image resolution, better image contrast, or combinations thereof. Magnetic resonance imaging guidance provides excellent osseous and soft-tissue detail of spinal structures and is well suited to avoid radiation exposure. In this article, we discuss the technical background of interventional MR imaging, review the literature, and illustrate interventional MR imaging techniques of commonly performed spinal injection procedures, including sacroiliac joint injections, lumbar facet joint injections, selective spinal nerve root infiltration, and percutaneous drug delivery to the lumbar sympathetic nerves.

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