
The intention was to compare the sensitivity and specificity of radial planes with oblique coronal and oblique axial planes for the detection of labral abnormalities of the acetabulum on magnetic resonance arthrography (MRa). Twenty cadaveric hip joints were examined by radiography and MRa. For MRa, 15 ml of a solution of iodinated contrast material and gadolinium diethylene triamine tetra-acetic acid (Gd-DTPA; 100:1) were injected under fluoroscopic guidance. MRI was performed on a 1.5-T MR scanner with a fat-suppressed 3D-FLASH sequence (TR/TE/flip-angle 42 ms/10 ms/40 degrees; field of view 16 cm, matrix 256 x 256, section thickness 1.5 mm, pixel size 0.7 x 0.7 mm). Multiplanar image reconstructions were done perpendicular to the acetabulum in oblique coronal and oblique axial planes and in radial planes. Macroscopic and histopathologic examination of the labral specimens was performed. Labral lesions were found in 15/20 hips (75%) on pathologic examination. Six hips demonstrated labral degeneration. The labrum was partially detached in 7 hips and completely detached in 2 hips. A flap-like labrum was found in 2 cases, 1 with partial detachment of the labrum and 1 with a degenerated labrum. Using oblique coronal and oblique axial reconstructions, pathologic findings were confirmed by MRa in 9/15 specimens (sensitivity 60%). There were no false-positive findings (specificity 100%, accuracy 70%). Also, 3/6 labral degenerations without detachment, 4/7 partial detachments, and 2/2 complete detachments were correctly diagnosed. Two flap-like labra were not recognized. With radial reconstructions, pathologic findings were correctly confirmed in 12/15 specimens (sensitivity 80%) without false-positive findings (specificity 100%, accuracy 85%). Also, 3/6 labral degenerations without detachment, 6/7 partial detachments, 2/2 complete detachments, and 1/2 flap-like labra were correctly diagnosed. MRa of the acetabular labrum using radial reconstructions is well suited to delineate the acetabular labrum and to diagnose labral detachments. Radial reconstructions allow for perpendicular display of the whole acetabular circumference and are more accurate for the diagnosis of acetabular labral lesions, when compared with oblique coronal and oblique axial reconstructions.

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