
The magnetic properties of $\mathrm{Fe}∕\mathrm{Co}(001)$ superlattices have been studied using fully-relativistic first-principles theories. The average magnetic moment shows a behavior similar to bulk Fe-Co alloys, i.e., an enhanced magnetic moment for low Co concentrations, as described by the Slater-Pauling curve. The maximum of the magnetization curve, however, is lowered and shifted towards the Fe-rich compositions. The increased average magnetic moment for the Fe-rich superlattices, compared to bulk Fe, is due to an enhancement of the Fe spin moment close to the Fe-Co interface. The orbital moments were found to be of the same size as in bulk. The effect of interface roughness on the magnetic properties was investigated, and it was found that---despite local fluctuations due to the varying coordination---the average magnetic moment is only slightly affected. From a mapping of first-principles interactions onto the screened generalized perturbation method, we calculate the temperatures for when $\mathrm{Fe}∕\mathrm{Co}$ superlattices break up into an alloy configuration. Furthermore, the tetragonal distortion of the superlattice structure was found to only have a minor effect on the magnetic moments. Also, the calculated easy axis of magnetization is in the film plane for all compositions studied. It lies along the [100] direction for Fe-rich superlattices and along the [110] direction for Co-rich compositions. The transition of the easy axis occurs around a Co concentration of 50%.

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