
We have investigated the structural and magnetic properties of two classes of spinS = 1/2 antiferromagnetic quasi-triangular lattice materials:Cu2(1 − x)Zn2x(OH)3NO3 (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.65) and its long chainorganic derivatives Cu2(1 − x)Zn2x(OH)3(C7H15COO)·mH2O (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.29).The series of layered structure compounds constitute a substitutional magnetic system, in which spinS = 1/2Cu2 + ions andnonmagnetic Zn2 + ions are arranged on a two-dimensional quasi-triangular lattice.For the nitrate compounds we found that the substitution ofZn2 + ions can continuously decrease the Néel temperature,TN, but never completely remove the magnetic order. In addition, the frustration effect inthese materials is suppressed by a three-dimensional interlayer interaction. On the otherhand, the corresponding long chain alkyl carboxylic acid group of intercalated materials,Cu2(1 − x)Zn2x(OH)3(C7H15COO)·mH2O, show spin-glass-like behavior, which is caused by the interplay of geometric frustrationand mixed sign interactions. A tentative explanation for these findings is proposed in termsof a cluster-glass picture.

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