
Investigations have been carried out to study the ferromagnetic properties of transition metal (TM) doped wurtzite GaN from first principle calculations using tight binding linear muffin-tin orbital (TBLMTO) method within the density functional theory. The present calculation reveals ferromagnetism in nickel doped GaN with a magnetic moment of 1.13 μ B for 6.25% of Ni doping and 1.32 μ B for 12.5% of nickel doping, there is a decrease of magnetic moment when two Ni atoms are bonded via nitrogen atom. The Ga vacancy ( V Ga) induced defect shows ferromagnetic state. Here the magnetic moment arises due to the tetrahedral bonding of three N atoms with the vacancy which is at a distance of 3.689 Å and the other N atom which is at a distance of 3.678 Å .On the other hand the defect induced by N vacancy ( V N) has no effect on magnetic moment and the system shows metallic character. When Ni is introduced into a Ga vacancy ( V Ga) site, charge transfer occur from the Ni ‘d’ like band to acceptor level of V Ga and formed a strong Ni–N bond. In this Ni– V Ga complex with an Ni ion and a Ga defect, the magnetic moment due to N atom is 0.299 μ B .In case of Ni substitution in Ga site with N vacancy, the system is ferromagnetic with a magnetic moment of 1 μ B.

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