
GdMn 2 has a Néel transition around 100 K and a second magnetic transition near 40 K, which is considered a Curie point. The μSR data show that both the Gd and the Mn sublattice order at T N, in contrast to a published model. Using the signal from muons stopped in a diamagnetic surrounding (high-purity silver) it was found that a ferromagnetic component exists already below T N. At 40 K only a spin reorientation takes place. The magnetic Gd sublattice relieves some of the geometrical frustration of the Mn sublattice, but one still observes the presence of a dynamic short-range correlated fraction above T N, similar to findings made previously in YMn 2. High-pressure studies gave a change of Néel temperature dT N / dp≈−5 K/ kbar , which is nearly an order of magnitude smaller than in YMn 2. The temperature dependence of spin fluctuations just above T N follows a critical law with little change on volume reduction. Pressure influences the spatial arrangement of ordered spins slightly as revealed by changes in the ferromagnetic response.

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