
Magnetic susceptibilities, χ, on the 1st and the 2nd stage FeCl 3 -graphite compounds were measured in a temperature region between 1.5 K and 77 K. For both stage compounds, the temperature dependence of χ was explained as anisotropic 2-dimensional antiferromagnet with spin flopping in the basal plane. The 1st stage compound was the antiferromagnet with T N =3.9 K, J / k =-0.41 K and effective anisotropy field | H A |=1.4 kOe. The anisotropy mainly results from the crystalline field and its constant D was estimated as +0.09 cm -1 . For the 2nd stage compound, T N =3.6 K, J / k =-0.35 K, | H A |=3.6 kOe and D =+0.16 cm -1 were obtained. The effect of the intercalation into graphite, which results in trigonal distortions of Cl octahedrons as well as size distributions of clusters, was found to be more important in the 2nd stage compound than in the 1st stage one. The interlayer interaction through graphite layer was negligible compared with H A even in the 1st stage compound.

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