
AbstractIn this work, we study three‐electron magnetic susceptibility in quantum dots under Rashba spin‐orbit interaction (SOI) and magnetic field by an analytical methodology. The Hamiltonian of the system is separated to center of mass and relative terms using the Jacobi transformations and the hyperspherical coordinates. By solving Schrodinger equation, energy levels and thereby the susceptibility are calculated using canonical ensemble. At zero temperature, the magnetization reduces with increasing magnetic field with and without Rashba SOI in three‐electron‐quantum dot without electron‐electron (e‐e) interaction. Also, SOI slightly changes the magnetization for three‐electron‐quantum dot without e‐e interaction. At nonzero temperature, the magnetization shows a paramagnetic peak when the magnetic field increases. This peak position changes under the SOI. In the presence of e‐e interaction, the susceptibility enhances with raising magnetic field and it shows a maximum. The susceptibility at low magnetic field is negative and then it becomes positive. The susceptibility with e‐e interaction and without SOI is always diamagnetic and its magnitude reduces with enhancing magnetic field. The susceptibility shows a transition between diamagnetic and paramagnetic with e‐e interaction and SOI.

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