
The magnetic interactions in intermetallic compounds containing 4 f or 3 d electrons are discussed. The magnetism of rare-earth intermetallic compounds can adequately be described by the RKKY model. An evaluation of the validity of this model is given by means of experimental data presented for the compounds Gd 2Al, Gd 3Al 2, GdAl 2, GdPdIn, and GdCuAl, together with the changes in the magnetic properties observed when Gd is gradually replaced by La, Y (no change in conduction electron concentration) or by Th (increase of the conduction electron concentration). In GdAl 2 it also proved possible to replace Gd by non-magnetic Yb, which decreases the conduction electron concentration. The magnetic properties and the magnetovolume effects of various intermetallic compounds of Fe, Co, and Ni, with the rare earth, Y or Th are discussed in terms of a model involving itinerant 3 d electrons.

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