
Trial runs on the trans-Alaska pipeline system (TAPS) of a newly developed 48-in., magnetic-flux corrosion pig produced acceptable results for indicating probable metal loss due to corrosion. The pig was developed and tested under the direction of TAPS' operator Alyeska Pipeline Service Co. after almost 3 years of development. This development is part of the overall corrosion-detection program the company has run since 1978. Alyeska operates 10 pump stations, 800 miles of pipeline (380 miles buried and 420 miles above-ground on piles), and a marine terminal. Current throughput is 2.05 million b/d which adds 25% to the domestic petroleum supply. There are 80 mainline check valves and 62 remotely controlled gate valves which limit the amount of potential oil spills in Alaska's arctic and subarctic environments. The buried pipe was coated, taped, and cathodically protected with zinc ribbon to promote a corrosion-free life. The objectives of Alyeska's corrosion-monitoring program are to protect the owners' capital investment and assure a long life with no leaks. The corrosion-monitoring program for the Alyeska pipeline includes pipe-to-soil potential surveys, corrosometer probes, ultrasonic survey points, visual inspections, and pigging.

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