
The study of the polarization of faint diffuse synchrotron sources, named radio halos, found in some galaxy clusters, is of paramount importance to characterize large scale magnetic fields. This is an hard task with the current radio telescopes but a next generation radio interferometer, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA), could help to shed light on the origin of cosmic magnetism. Thanks to its sensitivity, its broader bandwidth and its resolution, the SKA will allow us to perform complete and accurate studies of magnetic fields in clusters. In order to explore the potentiality of the SKA, we used state-of-art magneto-hydro-dynamical numerical simulations to produce synthetic maps of radio halos, taking into account the expected performances of the SKA1-MID in the radio band from 350 to 1050 MHz. Starting from the resulting maps, we were able to verify that radio halos could be intrinsically polarized and that SKA1-MID could detect their polarization, crucial to constraining the properties of large scale magnetic fields.

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