
We theoretically study the magnetic phase transition of condensed exciton-polariton microcavities in an applied magnetic field. When the magnetic field is strong, all polariton spins are polarized parallel to the magnetic field as usual. On the contrary, in the weak magnetic-field region, the polariton polarization degree is negative, namely, anti-parallel to the magnetic field. For a strong magnetic field, the magnetic phase of the polaritons arises and leads to a paramagnetic, while around a weak magnetic field, with zero exciton–photon detunings, and weak Rabi splitting the spin polarization of the polaritons leads to a diamagnetic. Thus, magneto-polariton phase transition polarization originates from the competition between the polariton Zeeman effect and polariton–polariton interactions. Moreover, the polariton polarization strongly depends on the exciton–photon detuning and Rabi splitting and has a large negative value as they are both small. At last, we compare our theoretical results with the experiments and find they match each other very well.

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