
Photolysis of benzyl phenylacetate (ACO2A), benzyl p-methylphenylacetate (BCO2A) and 1-naphthyl phenylacetate (ACO2Np) in homogeneous and micellar solutions results in products typical of radical coupling reactions and loss of carbon dioxide. The cage effects upon direct photolysis of these esters in acetonitrile are significantly greater than zero and those in SDS or HDTBr micellar solutions are even greater. In the triplet sensitization reaction of ACO2Np in micellar solutions the cage effects are smaller than those obtained upon direct irradiation. However, the application of a 0.05 or 0.2 T external magnetic field in the photolysis in micellar solutions decreases the cage effects dramatically. All these results suggest that the photoextrusions of carbon dioxide from these esters proceed via radical intermediates, and upon direct photolysis the reactive states for the cleavage reaction involve both singlet and triplet excited states.

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