
A magnetic field tunable electromagnetic response in periodic lattices of conducting magnetic wires is demonstrated. The wire medium having a negative permittivity in the lower frequency band is customarily investigated as an important component of so-called double negative metamaterials. Here we are interested in a strong dispersion of the permittivity in these structures and a possibility to alter it by changing the losses in magnetic wires with an external magnetic field. The theoretical approach is based on calculating the relaxation parameter depending on the wire surface impedance, and hence, on the wire magnetic properties. Thus, in arrays of Co-based amorphous wires the application of a moderate magnetic field (of about 1–2 kA/m) which causes the magnetization reorientation is capable of few fold permittivity change in the frequency range of 1–2 GHz. Such efficient tuning for certain structural and magnetic parameters was confirmed experimentally by measuring the transmission and reflection spectra from lattices of Co66Fe3.5B16Si11Cr3.5 glass-coated amorphous wires with a different wire cross-section and a different lattice period. The chosen wires are also confirmed to show a large magnetoimpedance effect at GHz frequencies, which constitutes the underlying mechanism of magnetic field dependent permittivity in wire media.

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