
Measurements of photon-echo decays in dilute ruby (${\mathrm{Cr}}_{2}$${\mathrm{O}}_{3}$ concentration of 0.018 at. %) in magnetic fields up to 29.5 kG are reported. Echoes from the $^{4}$${\mathit{A}}_{2}$(-3/2)${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrows}}}^{2}$E,E\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{}(-1/2) and $^{4}$${\mathit{A}}_{2}$(-1/2)${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrows}}}^{2}$E,E\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{}(-1/2) transitions have dephasing times (${\mathit{T}}_{2}$) that are directly proportional to the ratio of the magnetic field (B) to the temperature (T), for the range 2.5B/T20 kG/K. A transition in the decay from exponential to nonexponential behavior for B/T>10 kG/K is observed. Decay times for the $^{4}$${\mathit{A}}_{2}$(-1/2)${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrows}}}^{2}$E,E(-1/2) echo are roughly a factor of 3 longer than for the $^{4}$${\mathit{A}}_{2}$(-3/2)${\mathrm{\ensuremath{\leftrightarrows}}}^{2}$E,E\ifmmode\bar\else\textasciimacron\fi{}(-1/2) echo. We attribute the lengthening of ${\mathit{T}}_{2}$ with increasing B/T to the suppression of Cr-Cr spin flip-flops as the population of the upper $^{4}$${\mathit{A}}_{2}$ levels decreases.

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