
Three lumped-parameter magnetic circuit (LMC) models of dual-armature flux-switching permanent magnet (DA-FSPM) machines are proposed and compared in this article. First, the characteristics of the magnetic flux fields produced by the PM, stator armature reaction, and rotor armature reaction flux sources are analyzed, with particular attention paid to the air-gap and slot leakage flux paths. Based on the former analyses, three LMC models are developed, which consider the air-gap and slot leakage permeances in different ways. The electromagnetic performances of the DA-FSPM machines are predicted by the three LMC models and validated by the finite-element method, including the flux linkage, average torque, inductance, and power factor. The model accuracy sensitivity to the geometric parameters, copper loss allocation, electric loading, stator pole/rotor tooth number combinations, power level, and conductor distributions are analyzed. It shows that appropriate consideration of slot leakage permeance is important to improve the model accuracy.

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