
For the first time, a qualitative and quantitative analysis of the geomagnetic field and oil and gas capacity was performed for the territory of the Carpathian region, which made it possible to reveal the connection of hydrocarbon deposits with the magnetization of the Earth’s crust at the regional and local levels and the features of the deep structure of the Earth’s crust according to seismic data. The regularity of the distribution of oil and gas deposits of the Carpathian oil and gas-bearing region revealed by geomagnetic criteria is confirmed by their connection with regional and local anomalies of the gravity field and heat flow density. According to the analysis of the regional geomagnetic field and magnetic models along the PANCAKE and RomUkrSeis geotraverses, gas fields are located above the magnetic blocks of the middle and lower parts of the Earth’s crust or in their marginal parts, and oil fields are located above practically non-magnetic deep blocks. Under the thrust part of the Carpathian arc, the regional features of the Earth’s crust structures are clearly manifested, namely, starting from the longitude of the city of Rakhiv, the submeridional direction of extension of regional anomalies of magnetic, gravity, and thermal fields and their horizontal gradient zones prevails. The oil and gas potential of the region is in good agreement with this — the gas fields are timed to the minimum values of the regional horizontal gradient of the regional magnetic field, to the increased gradient of Bouguet anomalies, as well as to the minimum values of the horizontal gradient of heat flow density anomalies. In local geophysical fields, gas fields are gravitating: to weakly negative magnetic anomalies and their gradient zones; to negative anomalies of the gravitational field predominantly; to positive anomalies of heat flow density in the northwest, within the area of Trans-European suture zone (without the middle of the Krakovets fault), and negative anomalies in the Carpathian trough. Oil and oil condensate deposits are correlated with a band of positive magnetic field anomalies, negative gravity field anomalies, and increased heat flux density values. The main deep faults of the Carpathian region and the marginal part of the Platform in the first approximation can be considered Velikomostivsko-Chernivetsky, which characterizes the change in the character of magnetic and gravity fields and heat flow density, Rava-Rusky, which reflects the zone of articulation of the Eastern and Western European platforms, Pre-Carpathian — the border of the Pre-Carpathian trough and the Folded Carpathians on the Earth’s surface (as well as the boundary of the Archaean(?)-Paleoproterozoic and Meso-Neoproterozoic crust according to the modern international chronostratigraphic scale), as well as the Transcarpathian fault. On the basis of magnetic and seismic data, the hypothetical depth position of these faults and the possible connection with them of hydrocarbon flows into the upper part of the Earth’s crust are proposed. Therefore, the geomagnetic criteria of the oil and gas bearing capacity of the Earth’s crust of the Carpathian region are agreed based on the results of the study of the gravity field and heat flow density anomalies, which makes it possible to predict the spread of oil and oil condensate and gas and gas condensate deposits according to the regional and local features of these fields in a first approximation.

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