
A vehicle is a transportation that is widely used by humans as transportation for daily activities. Vehicles generally use mechanical brakes to do braking, these mechanical brakes have a system that requires friction forces to produce a slowdown in the vehicle. The frictional forces carried out will make erosion of the mechanical brake pads and the need to periodically replace the bearings. In this study discussed the design and manufacture of braking systems using electric brakes to support the performance of mechanical brakes. Electric brakes that have advantages in the media used compared to mechanical brakes, namely electric brakes do not require friction media to slow down, but electric brakes use four aluminum plates as magnetic force media, while coils or windings with the inner core will produce electromagnetic force as an actuator braking. The braking system that is carried out will maintain the speed according to the setpoint value of 5100 rpm. This electromagnetic braking results in a maximum braking of 500 rpm and takes between 9 and 15 seconds to reach the steady state position.

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