
It has been proposed that magnetic flux expulsion due to outer core fluid upwellings may affect the geomagnetic secular variation on the core-mantle boundary (Bloxham, 1986). In this process intense horizontal field lines are concentrated below the outer boundary, introducing small radial length scales and consequently strong radial diffusion. Here we explore such magnetic boundary layers in numerical dynamo simulations with heterogeneous outer boundary heat flux inferred from a tomographic model of lower mantle seismic shear waves velocity anomalies. Our scheme associates magnetic boundary layers to peak horizontal magnetic fields at the top of the shell. In our models mean magnetic boundary layer thickness ranges ≈200 − 400 km and decreases with increasing magnetic Reynolds number. Extrapolation or interpolation to Earth's core conditions based on total core flow amplitude or its poloidal part gives mean magnetic boundary layer thickness of ≈220 and ≈260 − 330 km, respectively. We find magnetic boundary layers associated with the azimuthal field at the equatorial region, whereas magnetic boundary layers associated with the meridional field are found at mid latitudes. Negative outer boundary heat flux anomalies yield preferred locations of expulsion of azimuthal field below Africa and the Pacific, while positive outer boundary heat flux anomalies yield preferred locations of expulsion of meridional field below the Americas and East Asia. Furthermore, we find a tendency of the azimuthal field to low latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere. Our results suggest that the local diffusion time is on the order of several kyr and the local magnetic Reynolds number is on the order of ≈10, both much smaller than classical estimates.

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