
String-loop corrections to magnetic black holes are studied. 4D effective action is obtained by compactification of the heterotic string theory on the manifold K3×T2 or on a suitable orbifold yielding N=1 supersymmetry in 6D. In the resulting 4D theory with N=2 local supersymmetry, the prepotential receives only one-string-loop perturbative correction. The loop-corrected black hole is obtained in two approaches: (i) by solving the system of the Einstein-Maxwell equations of motion derived from the loop-corrected effective action and (ii) by solving the system of spinor Killing equations (conditions for the supersymmetry variations of the fermions to vanish) and Maxwell equations. We consider a particular tree-level solution with the magnetic charges adjusted so that the moduli connected with the metric of the internal two-torus are constant. In this case, the loop correction to the prepotential is independent of coordinates, and it is possible to solve the system of the Einstein-Maxwell and spinor Killing equations in the first order in string coupling analytically. The set of supersymmetric solutions of the loop-corrected spinor Killing equations is contained in a larger set of solutions of the equations of motion derived from the string-loop-corrected effective action. Loop corrections to the metric and dilaton are large at small distances from the center of the black hole.

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