
We consider how doping can be described in terms of the charge-transfer insulator concept. We discuss and compare a few models for the band structure for the doped charges. This has led us to the conclusion that the band structure stability problem is one of the main issues in any correspondence between results for thet-J model and, say, the three-band model for the slightly doped layered oxides. The stability criterion is formulated and its implications discussed. Provided a phenomenological conduction band is chosen to satisfy the criterion of stability, a detailed picture of how dopants influence the spin wave spectrum atT=0 is presented. The basic physics for the destruction of the antiferromagnetic (AF) long-range order is rather model-independent: the long-range order (atT=0) disappears due to the Cerenkov effect when the Fermi velocity first exceeds the spin wave velocity. We then discuss the overall spectrum of spin excitations and see that the spin wave attenuation for x<x c,T= 0 due to Landau damping appears in the range of magnon momentak(x)=2m * s±α√x. We also argue that in the presence of superconductivity, the Cerenkov effect is eliminated due to the gap in the spectrum. This may restore the role of the AF fluctuations as the main source of dissipation at the lowest temperatures. A brief discussion of how interaction with magnons may affect the hole spectrum concludes the paper.

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