
Rb2CrCl2I2 crystallizes with a Jahn–Teller deformed K2NiF4 structure. This results in a ferromagnetic behavior for this compound. Rb2CrCl2I2 orders ferromagnetically at Tc=56.9(2) K. Magnetization and magnetic susceptibility measurements, using a vibrating sample magnetometer, Faraday balance, and SQUID magnetometer, on polycrystalline samples were used for the magnetic characterization. Rb2CrCl2I2 shows a Curie–Weiss behavior between 150 and 300 K. The intraplanar superexchange constant J/k=5.8 K. The intra- and interplanar anisotropy have been obtained from the magnetization curves at 4.2 K and are estimated at Hintra=0.16(2) T and Hinter=4.5(2) T.

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