
Magnetic recording is potentially superior to optical recording with respect to recording density. However, to realize the full potential of magnetic disk storage devices, it is necessary to lower the head flying height from the submicrometer range to the sub-submicrometer range. In order to maintain the head at a safe sub-submicrometer flying height, it is necessary to solve the problem of head and medium wear. Consequently, the study of micro-tribology is essential for the development of magnetic recording capability. Compared with magnetic disk drives, optical disk drives have longer seek times and lower data rates. To enhance the seek time and data rate, electromechanics and servo-control technologies are the main concern. Advances in magnetic disk storage devices can be expected in the area of fixed-media on-line files. In contrast, the strong point of optical disk storage devices is their media-interchangeability. New optical disk applications which exploit this special feature can be expected.

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