
The CeCu 4In and CeNi 4In compounds were investigated by means of magnetization, specific heat and electrical resistivity measurements. These compounds are paramagnetic down to 2 K. CeCu 4In follows the Curie–Weiss law with μ eff = 2.40 μ B/f.u. and θ P = −27 K. The experimental value of μ eff is close to the calculated one for a free Ce 3+ ion, thus indicating the presence of well-localized magnetic moments carried by the stable Ce 3+ ions. The determined electronic heat capacity coefficient γ = 235 mJ mol −1 K −2 confirms heavy fermion character of this compound. The temperature dependence of electrical resistivity is characteristic of heavy fermion systems. Similar analysis for CeNi 4In provided μ eff = 0.89 μ B/f.u. and θ P = 0.5 K. This effective paramagnetic moment is lower than the free Ce 3+ value. The temperature dependence of resistivity is typical of the Kondo impurity system, i.e. it shows a minimum at low temperatures. The reduced effective paramagnetic moment and a small electronic specific heat coefficient γ = 16 mJ mol −1 K −2 indicate on a valence fluctuation in this compound.

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