
The contents of Physics are generally little explored and presented through dogmatized concepts and mathematical equations that make the teaching-learning process of this Science uninteresting. In this sense, the present work seeks to justify the insertion of planetary magnetism topics in the contents of High School Physics, as it is a significant didactic, exploratory, perfecting, important and motivating topic of knowledge acquired in Elementary School and beginning of High School. For this purpose, an action research was used as a methodological focus with the aim of investigating and intervening in the research process, through the presentation of a didactic proposal, applied with 20 students of the 1st year of the Integrated Technical Teaching in Administration and Informatics of Middle Level of the IFPI/Campus Angical, suggestive to Physics teachers regarding the application of the content in the educational space, whose nature of the research is of the qualitative type. The analysis and interpretation of the data obtained after the sequence highlight a good reception regarding the object of knowledge indicated for insertion in high school, since the students actively participated in the classes arguing and correctly answering the indicated questionnaire, where the students consolidated and expanded their conceptions on the magnetic field of the planets, thus demonstrating significant learning. In addition to national curriculum documents, the work was supported by the theoretical frameworks of Ausubel (1973, 2001), Moreira (2017), Correia (2007), Moreira and Masini (2006), among others.

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