
Following our previous work, where we described the interaction of calcium with the Cx26 hemichannel, we further explore the same system by atomistic molecular dynamics simulations considering a different di-cation, magnesium. Specifically, the interaction of magnesium di-cation with the previously reported calcium binding sites (ASP2, ASP117, ASP159, GLU114, GLU119, GLU120, and VAL226) was investigated to identify similarities and differences between them. In order to do so, four extensive simulations were carried out. Two of them considered a Cx26 hemichannel embedded on a POPC bilayer with one of the di-cations and a sodium-chlorine solution. For the remaining two, no di-cations were included and a sodium-chlorine or potassium-chlorine solution was considered. Potassium has a similar atomic mass to calcium, and sodium to magnesium, but they both differ in charge (1e and 2e respectively). Magnesium and calcium, even having the same charge, showed different affinity for the explored protein. From the calcium binding sites referred above, we found that the magnesium di-cations only binds strongly to the GLU114 site of one connexin. For the sodium and potassium simulations, no specific interactions with the protein were found. Altogether, these results suggest that mass and steric effects play an important role in determining cation binding to Cx26 hemichannels.

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