
The first example of a catalytic hydroboration of amides for their deoxygenation to amines is reported. This transformation employs an earth-abundant magnesium-based catalyst. Tertiary and secondary amides are reduced to amines at room temperature in the presence of pinacolborane (HBpin) and catalytic amounts of ToMMgMe (ToM = tris(4,4-dimethyl-2-oxazolinyl)phenylborate). Catalyst initiation and speciation is complex in this system, as revealed by the effects of concentration and order of addition of the substrate and HBpin in the catalytic experiments. ToMMgH2Bpin, formed from ToMMgMe and HBpin, is ruled out as a possible catalytically relevant species by its reaction with N,N-dimethylbenzamide, which gives Me2NBpin and PhBpin through C–N and C–C bond cleavage pathways, respectively. In that reaction, the catalytic product benzyldimethylamine is formed in only low yield. Alternatively, the reaction of ToMMgMe and N,N-dimethylbenzamide slowly gives decomposition of ToMMgMe over 24 h, and this interaction ...

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