
The Baoshan Cu-polymetallic deposit is a recently discovered skarn deposit in the northern Lesser Xing’an Range, NE China. The orebodies are mainly hosted in the contact zone between granitic intrusions and Lower Cambrian dolomitic crystalline limestones or skarns. We present here zircon U–Pb and molybdenite Re–Os age data, whole-rock geochemistry, and zircon Hf isotopic data to constrain the geodynamic mechanisms of igneous activity and metallogenesis within the Baoshan Cu–polymetallic deposit. LA–ICP–MS zircon U–Pb dating suggests that a hornblende–quartz monzonite and porphyritic biotite granite were emplaced at 252.45±0.70Ma and 251.10±0.98Ma, respectively. Molybdenite separated from ore-bearing quartz veins or skarn-type ores yields a weighted mean model age of 250.3±3.4Ma, which coincide with the emplacement of the igneous rocks. These data suggest that the Late Permian-Early Triassic magmatic and mineralization event led to the formation of the Baoshan Cu–polymetallic deposit. Granitic intrusions are closely associated with this mineralization and have high contents of SiO2 (60.90–68.98wt.%), Al2O3 (15.15–16.98wt.%) and K2O (2.77–4.17wt.%), with A/CNK ratios of 0.86–0.96. These granites are classified as metaluminous and high-K calc-alkaline I-type granites, and are enriched in Rb, Th, U, and K, and depleted in Nb, Ta, P, and Ti. Moreover, Moreover, the hornblende–quartz monzonite and porphyritic biotite granite have geochemical characteristics similar to adakites and island arc calc-alkaline rocks, respectively. In situ zircon Hf isotope data on the hornblende–quartz monzonite samples show εHf(t) values from +0.1 to +3.1, and porphyritic biotite granite samples exhibit heterogeneous εHf(t) values from −5.4 to +1.1. The geochemical and isotopic data for the Baoshan intrusions indicate that the Late Permian–Early Triassic continental–continental collision caused over thickening and delamination of the lower crust. Partial melting of delaminated lower crust formed the primary adakitic magmas, which may have reacted with surrounding mantle peridotite during ascent. Hornblende–quartz monzonite was formed by the emplacement of the adakitic magmas, whereas the formation of the porphyritic biotite granite was caused by the mixing of adakitic magmas with ancient crustal materials during ascent. Moreover, ore-forming materials were typically derived from the adakitic magmas with high oxygen fugacity, which incorporated significant amounts of ore-forming elements. Based on the regional geological history and the new geochemical and isotopic data from intrusions, we suggest that diagenesis and mineralization of the Baoshan Cu–polymetallic deposit took place in a transitional tectonic setting from collisional orogeny to extension, after collision of the North China Plate and Songnen Block, during the latter stages of the Xingmeng orogeny.

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