
High thermal gradients are expected to be found at sites of subduction of very young oceanic lithosphere and more particularly at ridge–trench–trench (RTT) triple junctions, where active oceanic spreading ridges enter a subduction zone. Active tectonics, associated with the emplacement of two main types of volcanic products, (1) MORB-type magmas, and (2) calc-alkaline acidic magmas in the forearc, also characterize these plate junction domains. In this context, MORB-type magmas are generally thought to derive from the buried active spreading center subducted at shallow depths, whereas the origin of calc-alkaline acidic magmas is more problematic. One of the best constrained examples of ridge–trench interaction is the Chile Triple Junction (CTJ) located southwest of the South American plate at 46°12′S, where the active Chile spreading center enters the subduction zone. In this area, there is a clear correlation between the emplacement of magmatic products and the migration of the triple junction along the active margin. The CTJ lava population is bimodal, with mafic to intermediate lavas (48–56% SiO 2) and acidic lavas ranging from dacites to rhyolites (66–73% SiO 2). Previous models have shown that partial melting of oceanic crust plus 10–20% of sediments, leaving an amphibole- and plagioclase-rich residue, is the only process that may account for the genesis of acidic magmas. Due to special plate geometry in the CTJ area, a given section of the margin may be successively affected by the passage of several ridge segments. We emphasize that repeated passages will lead to the development of very high thermal gradients allowing melting of rocks of oceanic origin at temperatures of 800–900°C and low pressures, corresponding to depths of 10–20 km depth only. In addition, the structure of the CTJ forearc domain is dominated by horizontal displacements and tilting of crustal blocks along a network of strike-slip faults. The occurrence of such a deformed domain implies that an important tectonic coupling may exist between the upper and the lower plates leading to the partitioning of the continental lithosphere and to the tectonic underplating of very young oceanic lithosphere below the continental wedge. We assume that in the case of the CTJ, the uncommon situation of three successive ridge segments entering the trench at 2–3 Ma intervals only resulted in a strong and finally long-lived thermal anomaly. This anomaly caused remelting of underplated portions of very young, still hot oceanic lithosphere. Only particular geometrical RTT configurations are able to produce such features. These include linear continental margin, short ridge segments slightly oblique to the trench and short transform faults. Finally, the CTJ example shows that a possible scenario for the origin of calc-alkaline acidic rocks in the near-trench region involves coeval tectonic coupling and repeated passage of thermal anomalies due to successive subduction of short ridge segments. Therefore, the local abundance of calc-alkaline acidic rocks, associated with MORB-type lavas in ancient series, could be the tracer of plate tectonic configurations involving the subduction of short ridge segments in a relatively short duration.

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