
A continuous-coring borehole recently drilled at Camaldoli dellaTorre on the southern slopes of Somma^Vesuvius provides constraints on the volcanic and magmatic history of the Vesuvian volcanic area since c. 126 ka BP.The cored sequence includes volcanic units, defined on stratigraphical, sedimentological, petrological and geochemical grounds, emitted from both local and distal vents. Some of these units are of known age, such as one Phlegraean pre-Campanian Ignimbrite, Campanian Ignimbrite (39 ka), Neapolitan Yellow Tuff (14 9 ka) and Vesuvian Plinian deposits, which helps to constrain the relative age of the other units.The main rock types encountered are shoshonite, phonotephrite, latite, trachyte and phonolite. The sequence includes, from the base upwards: a thick succession of pyroclastic units emplaced between 126 and 39 ka, most of them attributed to eruptions that occurred in the Phlegraean area; the Campanian Ignimbrite; the products of a local tuff cone formed between 39 ka and the deposition of the products of the earliest activity of the Mt. Somma volcano; the products of the Somma^Vesuvius volcano, which include from the base upwards a thick sequence of lavas, pyroclastic rocks and the products of a local spatter cone dated between 3 7 ka and AD 79.The data obtained from the study of the borehole show that, before the Campanian Ignimbrite eruption, low-energy explosive volcanism took place in the Vesuvian area, whereas mostly high-energy explosive eruptions characterized the Campi Flegrei activity. In the Vesuvian area, Campanian Ignimbrite deposition was followed by the eruption of a local tuff cone and a long repose time, which predated the formation of the Mt. Somma edifice. Since 18 3 ka (Pomici di Base eruption) the activity of Somma^Vesuvius became mostly explosive with rare lava effusions.The shallowest cored deposits belong to the Camaldoli dellaTorre cone, formed between the Pomici di Avellino and Pomici di Pompei eruptions (3 7 ka^AD 79).Newgeochemical and Sr^Nd^Pb^ B-isotopic data on samples from the drilled core, together with those available from the literature, allow us to further distinguish the volcanic rocks as a function of both their provenance (i.e. Phlegraean or Vesuvian areas) and age, and to identify different magmatic processes acting through time in the Vesuvian mantle source(s) and during magma ascent towards the surface. Isotopically distinct magmas, rising from a mantle source variably contaminated by slabderived components, stagnated at mid-crustal depths (8^10 km below sea level) where magmas differentiated and were probably contaminated. Contamination occurred either with Hercynian continental crust, mostly during the oldest stages of Vesuvian activity (from 39 to 16 ka), or with Mesozoic limestone, mostly during recent Vesuvian activity. Energy constrained assimilation and fractional crystallization (EC-AFC) modelling results show that contamination with Hercynian crust probably occurred during differentiation from shoshonite to latite. Contamination with limestone, which is not well constrained with the available data, might have occurred only during the transition from shoshonite to tephrite. From the ‘deep’ reservoir, magmas rose towards a series of shallow reservoirs, in which they differentiated further, mixed, and fed volcanic activity.

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