
The Homrit Akarem granitic intrusion (HAGI) outcrops near the western edge of the south Eastern Desert basement exposure in Egypt. It is a composite of two cogenetic intrusive bodies: an early albite granite phase shallowly emplaced at the apex of a magmatic cupola, and a later subjacent pink granite phase with a marginal zone of muscovite granite and better preservation of magmatic features. Mineral chemistry of primary biotite and garnet, together with whole-rock chemistry, identify the HAGI as a highly fractionated A-type peraluminous intrusion. The chemistry of F-dominant, Li-bearing, Fe3+-rich primary magmatic mica in the pink granite resembles that typically found in highly evolved Nb-Y-F pegmatites. The HAGI is the evolved product of a primary magma generated by partial melting of juvenile crust of the Arabian-Nubian Shield (ANS), emplaced along a regional strike-slip fault system that promoted its ascent. The main emplacement mechanism and evolutionary sequence of the HAGI was magmatic, although secondary minerals and textures resulting from hydrothermal fluid interactions are observed, especially at its margins. Primary columbite-(Mn) crystallized from melt and was partly replaced by secondary fluorcalciomicrolite. The high fluorine content of magmatic fluids exsolved from the intrusion is indicated by quartz-fluorite veins, greisenization, albitization, and F-bearing secondary oxide minerals. The magmatic derivation of this fluid is demonstrated by the F-dominant primary mica, a siderophyllite-polylithionite solid solution commonly known as zinnwaldite. The chemistry of zinnwaldite constrains the F/OH activity ratio and oxygen fugacity of its parental melt and thereby resolves the ambiguity between pressure and the effects of F in controlling the normative quartz content of rare-metal granites. The HAGI is less mineralized than the post-collisional rare-metal granites found further east in the south Eastern Desert, replicating a trend observed previously in the central Eastern Desert and suggesting that east-west zoning in rare metal enrichment is a persistent feature across latitudes at the western edge of the ANS.

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