
AbstractMagma propagation is an unsteady process controlled by magma‐crust interaction. To provide information on its dynamics, we invert complementary ground deformation data spanning the 8 hr preceding the 26 May 2016 eruption at Piton de la Fournaise (PdF) volcano (La Réunion, France). Data are inverted using 3‐D boundary element models combined with a Monte Carlo inversion method. The final geometry of the displacement source is determined based on four interferograms spanning the whole propagation phase while the dynamics of the propagation is inferred from temporal inversion of continuous Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) data, using the final geometry as an a priori to constrain the source. The best modeled magma path consists in a 2,700‐m‐long sill located 800 m above sea level and connected to the eruptive fissure by a subvertical dike. The quick opening of the horizontal part of the intrusion could have been favored by limited flank sliding during the early stage of propagation. The intrusion then stalled for ∼5 hr, while pressure increased slightly, until final upward propagation and eruption. Volume budget suggests that the eruption was fed by a single batch of magma quickly disconnected from its source. The delay prior to the eruption may reflect a limited magma supply. Finally, two mechanisms, potentially acting together, might have favored the eruption: a driving role of magmatic gas and/or, as often observed at Piton de la Fournaise, an eastward flank slip.

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