
Background and ObjectiveThe Chinese medical question answer matching (cMedQAM) task is the essential branch of the medical question answering system. Its goal is to accurately choose the correct response from a pool of candidate answers. The relatively effective methods are deep neural network-based and attention-based to obtain rich question-and-answer representations. However, those methods overlook the crucial characteristics of Chinese characters: glyphs and pinyin. Furthermore, they lose the local semantic information of the phrase by generating attention information using only relevant medical keywords. To address this challenge, we propose the multi-scale context-aware interaction approach based on multi-granularity embedding (MAGE) in this paper. MethodsWe adapted ChineseBERT, which integrates Chinese characters glyphs and pinyin information into the language model and fine-tunes the medical corpus. It solves the common phenomenon of homonyms in Chinese. Moreover, we proposed a context-aware interactive module to correctly align question and answer sequences and infer semantic relationships. Finally, we utilized the multi-view fusion method to combine local semantic features and attention representation. ResultsWe conducted validation experiments on the three publicly available datasets, namely cMedQA V1.0, cMedQA V2.0, and cEpilepsyQA. The proposed multi-scale context-aware interaction approach based on the multi-granularity embedding method is validated by top-1 accuracy. On cMedQA V1.0, cMedQA V2.0, and cEpilepsyQA, the top-1 accuracy on the test dataset was improved by 74.1%, 82.7%, and 60.9%, respectively. Experimental results on the three datasets demonstrate that our MAGE achieves superior performance over state-of-the-art methods for the Chinese medical question answer matching tasks. ConclusionsThe experiment results indicate that the proposed model can improve the accuracy of the Chinese medical question answer matching task. Therefore, it may be considered a potential intelligent assistant tool for the future Chinese medical answer question system.

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