
AbstractThis chapter is an honest endeavour to understand and comprehend the thoughts and ideas of M. S. Golwalkar in its proper perspective. An attempt has been made to analyse and evaluate the thoughts of Golwalkar with reference to his concept of nation and nationalism. Discussion has also been made to highlight his concept of nationhood and cultural nationalism, as well as his rejection of territorial nationalism. This chapter then goes on to discuss Golwalkar’s idea of Hindu Rashtra, which is distinct from the then-prevailing notion of India’s secular State. Being a prominent ideologue of Hindutva, Golwalkar held the notion of Hindu Rashtra as supreme. Furthermore, he advocated for the revival of ancient Indian ideals and values which are full of patriotic fervour with universal well-being. Highlighting the greatness of Hinduism, he described it as a mode of thinking and way of living which is far from being a cult or creed.KeywordsCommunalism Hindu Rashtra Hindutva Hindu NationalismNation Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh Secularism

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