
This dataset includes a review of current international cooperation activities and international agreements in which the 3 target countries are involved in the field of water resources management at different levels: global initiatives, such as United Nations; Euro-Mediterranean, such as the Union for the Mediterranean; and agreements with neighboring African countries. It will include a review of the status of international agreed goals, in order to identify the priorities for agenda at the basis of international cooperation agreements in the field of water efficiency in Egypt, Tunisia and Morocco. In relation to the need for agreements with neighboring African countries, specific attention will be dedicated to Egypt/Sudan agreements on the Nile river, the Tunisia/Algeria agreements on the Medjerda basin and the Tunisia/Algeria and Tunisia/Libya agreements on the North-western Sahara Aquifer System. The information provided refers to the supra-national and national scale including a review of international agreements and initiatives in which the selected countries are involved. Collected information will be derived from international organizations, public sources, public reports and previous research. The dataset will be used in T1.2 for the identification of water vulnerabilities associated to lacks of international cooperation, in T5.2 and T5.3 for the identification of regulatory and economic instruments, and in T6.2 for the elaboration of policy recommendations to support the adoption of the MADFORWATER technologies and integrated water and land management strategies. Other potential users out of the project include decision-makers involved in water and land management and researchers.

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