
Purpose:Thepurposeofthisstudyistoreportauniquecaseofmorning glorysyndrome.Methods: This study included ophthalmologic examination, opticalcoherencetomography and areviewoftherelevantliterature.Result: A 7-year-old girl with a history of morning glory syndromewas periodicallyexamined in ourclinic for5 years. Suddenly,shepresentedwiththecomplaintofdecreasedvision.Examinationsrevealed macular detachment. The visual field of the affected eye wassignificantly narrowed. OCT also revealed the presence of a fibrouscord in the centreof the optic nerve, which protruded into the vitreousbody.Discussion:Morningglorysyndromeis anuncommoncongenitaldisordercharacterizedbyawidelyenlargedpapillathatispink-orangeincolour,witha small glial tuft in thecentre. The retinalvessels are arranged radially in relation to the papilla. A pigmentedring surrounds the excavation. The incidence is not well known. Theeffectisgenerallyunilateral.Thissyndromemanifestsasopticatrophy. However, the atrophy does not progress. Visual impairmentsometimes occurs when maculardetachmentarises,as occurred inourpatient.After5yearsofobservation,ourpatient’svisiondramatically worsened as a result of macular detachment. There arevarious theories for the development of macular detachment in MGS:exudative, tractionand rhegmatogenous8.Nobreakwasfound inourpatient,sothecauseofthedetachmentwasmostlikelytheinflammatoryprocess

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