
A quantitative model predicting biomass growth on solid media has been developed. The model takes into account steric interactions between hyphae and tips at the microscopic level (competition for substrate and tip-hypha collisions). These interactions effect a slowing down of the hyphal, population-averaged extension rate and are responsible, at the microscopic level, for the distribution of tip orientations observed at the colony border. At the macroscopic level, a limiting value of the colony radial extension rate is attained. A mathematical model that combines hyphal branching, tip diffusion, and biomass growth was proposed to explain such behavior. Experiments using Gibberella fujikuroi were performed to validate the model; good agreement between experiments and simulations was achieved. Most parameters can be measured by simple image analysis on the peripheral growth zone, and they have clear physical meaning; that is, they correspond to properties of single, leading hyphae. The model can be used to describe two-dimensional (2D) solid media fermentation experiments under varying culture conditions; the model can also be extended to consider growth in three-dimensional (3D), complex geometry substrates.

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