
In this study, macroscopic properties of the vector approximate message passing (VAMP) algorithm for inference of generalized linear models are investigated using a non-rigorous heuristic method of statistical mechanics when the true posterior cannot be used and the measurement matrix is a sample from rotation-invariant random matrix ensembles. The focus is on the correspondence between the non-rigorous replica analysis of statistical mechanics and the performance assessment of VAMP in the model-mismatched setting. The correspondence of this kind is well-known when the measurement matrix has independent and identically distributed entries. However, when the measurement matrix follows a general rotation-invariant matrix ensemble, the correspondence has been validated only under limited cases, such as the Bayes optimal inference or the convex empirical risk minimization. The result presented in this paper is to extend the scope of such correspondence. Herein, we heuristically derive the explicit formula of state-evolution equations, which macroscopically describe VAMP dynamics for the current model-mismatched case, and show that their fixed point is generally consistent with the replica symmetric solution obtained by the replica method of statistical mechanics. We also show that the fixed point of VAMP can exhibit a microscopic instability, which indicates that message variables continue to move by VAMP while their macroscopically summarized quantities converge to fixed values. The critical condition the for microscopic instability agrees with that for breaking the replica symmetry that is derived within the non-rigorous replica analysis. The results of the numerical experiments cross-check our findings.

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