
With the advent of the resolution revolution in cryoelectron microscopy (cryo-EM), low-resolution refinement is common, and likewise increases the need for a reliable force field. Here, we report on the incorporation of the OPLS3e force field with the VSGB2.1 solvation model in the structure determination package Phenix. Our results show significantly improved structure quality and reduced ligand strain at lower resolution for X-ray refinement. For refinement of cryo-EM-based structures, we find comparable quality structures, goodness-of-fit, and reduced ligand strain. We also show how structure quality and ligand strain are related to the map-model cross-correlation as a function of data weight, and how that can detect overfitting. Signs of overfitting are found in over half of our cryo-EM dataset, which can be remedied by a re-refinement at a lower data weight. Finally, a start-to-end script for refining structures with Phenix/OPLS3e is available in the Schrödinger 2020-3 distribution.

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