
Genetic sequencing is a vital process that requires the transport of charged nucleic acids through transmembrane nanopores. Single-molecule studies show that macromolecular bulk crowding facilitates the capture of these polymers, leading to a high throughput of nanopore sensors. Motivated by these observations, a minimal discrete-state stochastic framework was developed to describe the role of poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) crowders in varying concentrations in the transport of ssDNA through α-hemolysin nanopores. This theory suggested that the cooperative partitioning of polycationic PEGs controls the capture of ssDNA due to underlying electrostatic interactions. Herein, we investigate the impact of the size variation of PEGs on the capture event. Even though larger crowders attract ssDNA strongly to enhance its capture, our results show that considerable cooperative partitioning of PEGs is also required to achieve high interevent frequency. The exact analytical results are supported by existing single-molecule studies. Since real cellular conditions are heterogeneous, its influence on the ssDNA capture rate is studied by introducing a binary mixture of crowders. Our results indicate that the "polymer-pushing-polymer" concept possibly affects the capture rate depending on the mixture composition. These new findings provide valuable insights into the microscopic mechanism of the capture process, which eventually allows for accurate genome sequencing in crowded solutions.

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