
Our study aimed to obtain data on the age and individual characteristics of the glands of the vaginal vestibule in postnatal human ontogenesis. Material and research methods. By the macromicroscopic way, the small glands of the vaginal vestibule wall were investigated in cadavers of 163 women of different ages without pathology of the urogenital system. The total number, length, width, density of location, the area of the initial section, the diameter of the common excretory duct of the glands, the number of glands with ampoule-widened excretory ducts, and glands were determined. The results of the study. The conducted macromicroscopic examination made it possible to reveal that the maximum number and size of small vestibular glands are determined in the 1st period of adulthood. Starting from the 2nd period of adulthood and up to old age inclusive, there is a decrease in these indicators. The minimum level of individual variability in the size and number of small glands of the vestibule is characteristic in ontogeny for the neonatal period.

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