
AbstractMacrofungi play an extraordinarily important role in the catalysis of the nutrient cycle of deciduous and coniferous forests. Habitat degradation adversely influences the number of fruiting bodies of macrofungi and diminishes the diversity of the fungal community. The diversity of the terricolous- and lignicolous macrofungi assemblages were compared in stands of semi-natural and two plant associations modified by humans in different degrees in North-East Hungary. We used data from 15 permanent plots that were sampled for vascular plants and macrofungi. Rank-abundance curves and Rényi’s diversity profiles were applied for diversity research. The results indicated that structure and diversity of the terricolous macrofungi assemblages were mainly influenced by climatic and habitat conditions and the degradation of the plant associations to a lesser degree. The diversity of lignicolous macrofungi was primarily affected by the continuous presence, quality, and quantity of deadwood. Accordingly, the form and degree of forest management, as well as the age of the growing stocks, influenced community structure. If nature conservation planning and conservation activity are based on those biodiversity indicators which are good proxies for macrofungi biodiversity, the latter might be optimal for preserving macrofungi biodiversity.

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