
The purpose of this study was to analyze several macroeconomic factors that influence sectoral investment development in East Java through secondary data obtained from BPS East Java over a 10-year period with multiple linear regression analysis tools with the Statistical Program for Social Science version 13. Results Simultaneous analysis of independent variables significantly affects the dependent variable. Whereas from partial testing of Foreign Exchange Rate-free variables significantly affect the FDI of the Industrial Sector and PMA in the Trade Sector this is because the exchange rate can affect investment. The independent variable of Economic Growth and Inflation has no partial effect on Industrial Sector FDI and Trade Sector PMA. For Foreign Investment in the Agricultural Sector there is no independent variable in the partial test that affects the dependent variable because the agricultural sector is not the main choice of investors to invest.


  • DI of the Industrial Sector and Penanaman Modal Asing (PMA) in the Trade Sector this is because the exchange rate can affect investment

  • Of the Industrial Sector and PMA in the Trade Sector this is because the exchange rate can affect investment

  • Growth and Inflation has no partial effect on Industrial Sector Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and

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13. Results

Simultaneous analysis of independent variables significantly affects the dependent variable. Whereas from partial testing of Foreign Exchange Rate-free variables significantly affect the FDI of the Industrial Sector and PMA in the Trade Sector this is because the exchange rate can affect investment. For Foreign Investment in the Agricultural Sector there is no independent variable in the partial test that affects the dependent variable because the agricultural sector is not the main choice of investors to invest. Hasil analisis secara simultan variabel bebas berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap variabel terikat. Sedangkan dari pengujian secara parsial variabel bebas Kurs Valas berpengaruh secara nyata terhadap PMA Sektor Industri dan PMA Sektor Perdagangan hal ini dikarenakan Nilai tukar dapat mempengaruhi investasi. Variabel bebas Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Inflasi tidak berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap PMA Sektor Industri dan PMA Sektor Perdagangan.Untuk Investasi Asing Sektor Pertanian dalam uji parsial tidak ada variabel bebas yang berpengaruh terhadap variabel terikat karena sektor pertanian bukan pilihan utama investor untuk berinvestasi

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